Good Luck to Team Canada

Once again members of the Halifax Area Model Yacht Club will for the core of Team Canada at the CanAm Regatta this weekend in Stowe, Vt. We will be joined by top sailors from Eastern Canada, as Canada will send it’s strongest team ever in hopes of capping our outstanding individual performances with a team win.

The CamAm Challenge Cup was first held in 2009 to promote a friendly, yet competitive

2014 CanAm Regatta (3)spirit between sailors in the US and Canada – in the true Corinthian spirit. The regatta is sailed with Soling One Meter model Yachts and scored on two levels:

  • Individual performance
  • Team performance (Canada vs. U.S)

The emphasis is on the individual sailor; team racing is specifically prohibited. It is anticipated that the top five individual positions for each country, for each race, will determine the CanAm Challenge Cup team winner. This method gives each skipper a chance of scoring for their team in an race throughout the regatta. The number of sailors scored for the team award will be adjusted based on lowest number of entries from one country.


Weeds Choke Out Sullivan’s Pond

We managed to sail with the hazards of the holes and the exposed sleepers.
Only a few people have tripped over the stupidly placed rocks this year.

But now the weeds have returned, along with some floating planters at the edge of our race course.

We are the only group that uses the pond at the pond but they never see fit to talk to us about what they do there.

We hear that when they are done with the canoe area of Lake Banook, they may clear the Pond. Let’s hope so, while the City will not admit it they caused this problem.

EC-12 Opening Regatta

The HAMYC EC-12 fleet opening regatta – potentially 4 boats!

OK – it’s not the biggest event we have this year but still fun to watch!

Monday May 18, 2015 1 to 4 pm HAMYC Opening Regatta Sullivan’s Pond
(Victoria Day) EC -12 Dartmouth, NS



Remembering Bill Traill

billOur Friend and sailing colleague Bill Traill died suddenly at home on March 1, 2015. Bill had been a member of the HAMYC for a few years and he became a sailor, able to get around the course and compete.

He will be sorely missed for his humour, optimism and joy for getting out on the pond with his friends.



2015 Annual General Meeting

  We had an excellent AGM which was well-attended considering that a lot of our members are basking in warmer climes.  A number of new initiatives were brought forward which should make for an even better sailing season this year.  Paul will be writing up the minutes but until they are ready here is a peek at some of the highlights:
  • More Formal Race Cancellation Policy  (decision posted to WebPage/Twitter/FaceBook before 0900 on day in question)
  • Formation of Committee for Club Promotion  (promotion of club social aspects / acquisition of new members)
  • Proactive Scheduling of End-of-Season Events  (Separate Awards Banquet and AGM scheduled to occur before departure of snowbirds)
  • Line/Mark Judge  (Appointment of ad-hoc judge from the fleet for regular sailing days. Provision of dedicated judge for Major Club Regattas)
roll on spring
Gary L. Bugden
Halifax Area Model Yacht Club