2015 Frosbite Regatta Day 2 NOR

Halifax Area Model Yacht Club is one of Canada’s Premier model sailing clubs.
Annual Frostbite Regatta Day Two
Sunday November 1, 2015
Cranberry Pond, Heckman’s Island
Lunenburg, NS
Sponsored by Halifax Area Model Yacht Club
1. Rules
1.1 The event will be governed by the RULES as defined in the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing for 2013-2016
(RRS) as changed by Appendix E of the RRS – Radio Sailing Racing Rules, the Notice of Race (NoR) issued for the event, these Sailing Instructions (SI), the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) and Soling 1M Class Rules.
1.2 The Sailing Instructions shall prevail in case of conflict with the Notice of Race.
1.3 Racing rule(s) Appendix E6.6(f) is deleted and replaced with  ‘an entanglement or grounding because of the action of a boat that was breaking a rule of Part 2 or of a vessel not racing that was required to keep clear’.
2. Notices to Competitors
Notices to competitors will be given orally near the launching area.
3. Schedule of Races Sunday November 1-15
Skippers Meeting       12:55  PM
First Race/Heat          1:00  PM
Last Race/Heat           3:40  PM4. Scoring system shall be Low Point System – Each day will be scored separately and the low aggregate score for both days shall be the result.

5. Changes in the Sailing Instructions by a verbal announcement shall be made by the Race Officer (RO) to call attention to the change.

6. A description of the course, marks, including starting and finishing marks stating the order and side on which each is to be left shall be posted on the course board.

9. Starting Procedure – The warning signal made one (1) minutes before the starting signal. The starting line will be as described in the course description.
Following one general recall, RRS 30.1 shall apply to the restart.
Following a second general recall for that same race, RRS 30.3 shall apply to all subsequent restarts of that race.

10. Protests
10.1 Protests will be accepted in accordance with RRS E6 except that RRS E6.5 (Time Limit) is amended by the inclusion of the following:
10.2 A boat intending to protest shall inform the race committee no later than one minutes after the last boat finishes and prior to the preparatory signal for the next race, whichever is the lesser. This changes RRS E6.5.
10.3 Hearing of Protests. Protests and requests for redress will be held immediately following the heat in which the incident occurred.
10.4 The protest committee will consist of three persons, which may include competitors, competent persons and Regional, National or International Judges. If a party to a hearing objects to a competitor being a member of a protest committee, because he is an interested party, he may object under rule RRS 63.5.

Competitor behavior can impact unfavorably on the sport and all competitors are advised that their actions will be under scrutiny and in the event of any behavior that is in breach of Principles of Sportsmanship and Fair Play, or which may bring the sport into disrepute may result in a protest hearing under RRS 2. or for extreme breaches, in accordance with RRS 69.1 or:

The RO may offer a competitor a two turns on the spot penalty to avoid a protest hearing however the RO is not obliged to make this offer nor is a competitor obliged to accept it in which case a protest hearing shall proceed.

Penalties available to the Protest Committee include exclusion from the race in question, the series, or other action within the Committee’s jurisdiction. The Race Officer and all race officials have been directed to record any incidents that will be dealt with to the full extent available to the Committee.