May 2024 Thursday Night Series

1.1 Races will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing
(RRS), Appendix E for RC sailing, the Class Rules of the Soling 1m Class Association
and these Sailing Instructions.
1.2 Regularly scheduled racing will be sailed in the Soling 1m Class. To be considered
for awards skippers must be members of the Halifax Area Model Yacht Club (HAMYC)
and possess a properly displayed Canadian Radio Sailing Association (CRYA) sail
2.1 Oral changes to these Sailing Instructions may be made at any time by the Race
Director (RD). All competitors shall be notified. This changes rule 89.2(c).
3.1 Regularly scheduled racing will occur Thursday Evenings between 1800 and 1900
and Sunday afternoons between 1300 and 1500 at Sullivan’s Pond in Dartmouth.
3.2 If racing is cancelled on a particular day an Email/Facebook Notice will be sent out
before 1000 on the day concerned.
3.3 The scheduled time of the Preparatory signal for the first race is 1800 on Thursday
evenings and 1300 on Sunday afternoons.
3.4 The race director will determine the number of races for each day after considering
weather, course and equipment conditions. No race shall start after 1900 on Thursday
evenings and 1500 on Sunday afternoons.
4.1 All competitors will race as one fleet.
5.1 The course will be chosen by the RD to suit existing conditions and orally described
by the RD using existing fixed marks.
6.1 A one-minute starting sequence will be used. The “Preparatory” signal is defined as
when the auditory sequence begins; the “Warning” signal is defined as when the one
minute countdown begins. This changes rule E3.5. 2
6.2 OCS (on course side) If any part of a boat’s hull or equipment is on the course side
of the starting line at the start the line judge [or RD] will attempt to hail that boat. Failure
of the line judge [or RD] to make a hail or a skipper to hear such a hail will not be
grounds for a Protest, or request for a redress hearing. This changes Rule 62.1(a).
6.3 A boat may not enter the starting area by crossing the starting line from the course
side after the Warning Signal. ‘Dip Starts’ are not permitted.
8.1 Prior to the Warning Signal, a skipper may request that the Race Director delay the
starting sequence for five minutes for the repair of a technical problem or breakdown.
8.2 When such a delay is granted, it will be announced and the Warning Signal will not
be sounded until the expiration of five minutes from the commencement of the delay.
8.3 Each skipper may be granted one such delay per day. Delays may not be stacked.
8.4 No hold will be granted if the delay results in the failure to start a race under 3.4
9.1 A boat touching a mark as defined by Rule 31.1, shall take a penalty turn as
required by Rule 31.2.
9.2 A boat breaking a Rule in RRS Part 2, shall take a one-turn (360) alternate penalty
as required by Rule 44 and modified by E4.4.
10.1 A boat protesting another boat, while sailing, shall hail the other boat, as required
by Rule 61.1(a) as modified by Rule E5.2.
10.2 No formal protests will be entertained. Failure of the contesting skippers to work
things out on the water will result in the disqualification of both parties.
11.1 The Low Point System described in RRS Appendix A shall be used.
11.2 The score for one Race shall be discarded after completion of 5 Races, two
Races after completion of 10, three races after completion of 15; and so on every 5.
11.3 Every effort will be made to collimate the results and produce monthly series
scoring for the Thursday and Sunday regular series racing. Results will be presented
on the HAMYC Webpage and acknowledged at the HAMYC Annual General Meeting.
11.4 In order to be included in the monthly series scoring the racing for a particular day
must include at least 4 skippers sailing at last 3 races.
12.1 A boat and her equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with Class
Rules and sailing instructions.
12.2 If any measured equipment is found to have been modified, the skipper involved
will be scored “DNS” for all races to the point when the modifications were discovered
in the regatta.
From the Dot.com notebook:
Afternoon folks,
Just back from our small boat club AGM, prize awards and Elections. Fun time!While I’ve been Commodore , serving for six years in the past, this year I volunteered to serve as Vice Commodore. I see my role to support our new Commodore Brian Luger and promote the club by attracting both new members and former members or reclaim inactive boats. I might add that boats now cost four times what they did 15 years ago when I started model yacht racing.
Last year we hosted the National Championships, won again by Jim. In addition, our club spearheaded the Canadian team in Stowe Vermont and for the first time we won the Can-Ams, so we get to host this championship in 2025, and I’ll be a part of that.
We had a great meeting, special thanks go out to the former hard working executive. The meeting was held at the Parkside Pub and Smokehouse and the food was great. Mary is seen ogling her newly arrived “Boss Hog” entree, she particularly enjoyed the southern bbq sauce and cornbread side as well as the home cut fries. Smothered under the cole slaw topping is the smokehouse sausage. I really liked my “Messy Piggy ” offering in the next picture, especially the Tennessee Bourbon sauce and thin onion rings over the smokehouse, very flavourful pulled pork. The fries were delicious but about six times the amount I can eat, where is my grandson when I need him?
The next picture is of some of the members discussing businesses with pleasant barbs, not unlike what we hear at the pond which makes the club so much fun.
We had our last regatta of the year this afternoon aptly named the Frostbite! Eight boats competed, the top four were very close. Full kudos to winner Brian McDonah who won by one point over myself and Gary Bugden. I took second overall as I won the last race which served as the tie breaker. Bob Boutilier was only three behind for fourth.
While it was a beautiful day, the winds were testy and the temperature was 7 degrees when I got back into the car at the end.
We had lovely races and great fellowship. I’m so happy for Brian as he is an excellent skipper and even a nicer person. We all missed Jim who has a dozen plus Frostbite wins over the years.
I can dream about the last race all winter. See you at the starting line in the spring!
Bob dot com ⛵️