2013 HAMYC Club Championship – Borgal Tub
reported by Gary Bugden
The annual Halifax Area Model Yacht Club Soling 1m Club Championship was held under
sunny October skies at Dartmouth’s Sullivan’s Pond. Perennial national and international champion Jim Goddard was unable to compete this year, as he was preoccupied with duties related to the coincident Nova Scotia Provincial Election.
Twelve eager competitors battled it out over two days for possession of the coveted Borgal Cup. Northwesterly winds made for a lot of frustration as, at this venue, winds from this direction swirl down from the nearby tall apartment buildings. The first day’s ten races
saw HAMYC Commodore Bob White eke out a one-point lead over Boots Boutilier. I was in a solid third, followed closely by up-and-comer Mike Kennedy and Victor Lovitt who were tied for fourth.
The northwest winds persisted during the second day. Unfortunately, Boots suffered an irreparable breakdown halfway through the afternoon, which took him out of the last five of ten races. Commodore Bob continued to sail consistently while Mike Kennedy and I fought it out for second.
Congratulations to HAMYC Commodore Bob White, the winner of the Borgal Cup for
2013, and R/C newcomer Mike Kennedy who had to accept third place because of a couple of bad races the first day. A good time was had by all.
Final Results