DateEventFirst PlaceSecond PlaceThird Place
April 17, 2022April Day Fools RegattaJim GoddardGary BugdenBob Boutilier
May 8, 20222022 Soling 1M Class Opening RegattaJim GoddardGary BugdenBen Rusi
June 19, 2022Bill Traill Memorial RegattaJim GoddardJanice AndersonGary Bugden
July 17, 2022LYC 75th Anniversary Invitational RegattaJim GoddardGary BugdenJanice Anderson
September 4, 2022Labour Day Regatta for the Warren Tobey TrophyJim GoddardGary BugdenBen Rusi
October 24, 2022HAMYC Club Championship – Soling 1MJim GoddardBrian McDonahBob White
Oct 30 and Nov 6, 2022Frostbite RegattaJim GoddardBob BoutilierGary Bugden